Happy Saturday Afternoon! I've been working on a list of ways to go green. I've compiled some ideas that I've seen and added a few of my own. The highlighted ideas are ones that I personally do or try to do most of the time.
40 Quick Ways to Go Green:
- Use the dishwasher – doing a full load is more efficient than hand-washing.
- Plant an herb garden indoors or outside
- Plant a vegetable garden. Some areas have plots you can rent.
- Switch lightbulbs to CFLs - or how about LEDs?
- Replace your shower head with a lower flow model (could save 14,000 gallons/year)
- Create a homemade compost bin or a worm bin
- Stop using disposable bags and make or buy your own
- Buy a reusable water bottle
- Wash laundry in cold water instead of hot
- Turn off lights when you leave a room
- Open your curtains and use natural light when possible
- Share a car, carpool, take the bus or bike to your destination
- Shop at your local farmer's market (ours is here)
- Sign up for green power from the electric company (DTE offers it here)
- Pay your bills online
- Put a stop to unsolicited mail and opt-out
- Reuse scrap paper
- Check Craig's List or Freecycle before purchasing something new
Fix leaky faucets- Make your own household cleaners and laundry soap
- Repurpose something: how about making a shopping bag out of an old shirt?
- Switch to cloth diapers – or at least combine with disposables
- Switch to shade grown and fair trade coffee
- Use reusable dishtowels instead of paper towels and reusable dishcloths instead of sponges.
- Use cloth napkins instead of paper
- Cut down on the amount of time you take to shower
- Donate (and shop at) thrift stores such as Goodwill.
- Replace a vinyl shower curtain with one that's washable
- Place an aerator on your sinks to cut down on water usage
- Get a programmable thermostat
- Use drapes to keep the sun out in the summer (which will keep your house cooler)
- Start a "no shoes" policy in your home. This will improve air quality and lower need for cleaners.
- Choose LCD televisions over plasma (saves $36/year in electricity)
- Unplug unused chargers or electronics or use a Smart Power Strip.
- Use old t-shirts or towels as rags for cleaning instead of using paper towels.
- Insulate your water heater and turn down the temperature 20 degrees (you'll save $20/year)
- Ditch the paper bags and sue a reusable lunch bag to pack your lunch
- Use a rain barrel for watering your garden
- Turn off the tap when you brush your teeth
- Use refillable office supplies such as pens and pencils.
So as you can see, I still have a couple more items that I need t o do or get in the habit of doing more often. I'm extremely guilty of taking long showers. I need to get out of the habit of that…
1 comment:
Fab list! Thanks for all the info!
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