Not to freak you all out - but Christmas is around the corner... (I mean the Christmas carols are already blaring at all the stores!!) The past couple days I have been noticing all of these Christmas gifts tucked in closets, drawers, and storage boxes around the house. I have to admit, I'm a year-round shopper. I learned quickly that I can't afford to shop for Christmas in the month of December. I financially hemorrhage at the end of the month and it takes all the fun out of the holidays (especially since both my husband and sister have their birthdays within days of Christmas). So I make a point to pick up things when I see them (especially on sale) even if it's March. So today I gathered up all the loose gifts and took a couple hours to sit down and wrap them. I can't believe how many gifts I have!!! I couldn't get Sam to get out the Christmas tree yet to put them under it but he promised after Thanksgiving we would do it. For the past two years we have put up the Christmas tree in early November because I was having back surgery or just finished having back surgery and it was a pick-me-up. So this waiting until Thanksgiving thing is driving me crazy!! Hello! It takes so much time to decorate a tree - you might as well enjoy it!
But at least I have most of the wrapping done. I'm finishing up some projects - trying to give everyone a handmade gift this year. I finished a really exciting project yesterday that turned out really well but of course I can't share it for fear of ruining the surprise to the recipient. But I was proud of it and will take pictures when it's opened and will post online. Now I'm starting my dad's project. Hopefully he will like his project. Other than him, I believe I am all done for Christmas!! Pays to start December 26th for the following year....
For those of you feeling a little behind (I know, I can do that...) - don't worry, I was recently at the mall and was shocked at the prices. Shops must be really hurting right now because the sales were out-of-this-world! I bought a cashmere sweater from Macy's for a mere $36 (marked down from a whopping $219!!) I believe there are great deals for the taking. Enjoy it!
I don't have a photography assignment to post today. Class was today but I have just been under the weather lately and couldn't pull myself out of the house to make it. So I'll have to post 2 pictures next week of the pictures I turned in. Sorry!
Not much else to report. Hopefully this weekend I can post a picture of Sam's sweater completed (or close to...)
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