It's so hard to decide what type/size of baby clothes to buy. You always hear, "babies don't wear newborn sized clothes. They wear 0-3 months for only a couple weeks." So I never know what to buy, especially since I don't know when the little man will arrive. But I decided that you can't really go wrong with sleep sacks. But while looking at sleep sacks I realized that either the quality really lacked or they were crazy expensive. My solution? Make my own!

I searched Etsy for a sleep sack pattern and came across one. I won't list the pattern because frankly it was a bear to work with and had a lot of problems - and I don't want to publicly insult the pattern maker. But after receiving the pattern I met with my mom for the afternoon and we worked on the sack. It was the perfect afternoon project. We picked out some polka dot fabric for the outside and blue stripe for the inside. After cutting out the pieces and reading the directions like 32 times (I'm not exaggerating. She read them, I read them, we read them together, we read them aloud, we read them silently, etc.) we just decided to wing it. A sleep sack is a pretty straight forward pattern (even more bewildering how the pattern managed to be so insanely complicated and backwards!!)

After a couple hours we ended up with an adorable sleep sack for Little Man. Hopefully he enjoys it!!
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